Silk Cayes


In September 2021 we visited the Silk Cayes Marine Reserve, a tiny atoll located about 30 km from Placencia, a small village on the Caribbean coast of Belize. The patch of sand includes some palm trees surrounded by clear shallow turquoise waters and colorful coral reef, which makes it a great spot for swimming and snorkeling.


Above the Sea


Above sea level at Silk Caye there are pelicans and fregatbirds diving into the ocean or resting on the coconut trees.


Below the Sea


Below the surface Silk Caye offers a variety of coral reef fish, such as the parrotfish, surgeonfishes, trumpet fish, grouper, triggerfish, nurse sharks, barracuda, and even different types of sting rays, and sea turtles.


About half a kilometers off the island there was a fishing boat chumming in order to lure various marine animals, such as nurse sharks, variety of rays and nurse sharks. We dove in to have a closer look.


On our way back to the Placencia marina we even spotted a pod of dolphins and a few even came to follow our boat.


We definitely recommend visiting Silk Caye, but make sure to choose a responsible local tour operator that cares for the environment and your experience. Don’t touch the coral, fish, turtle or any other sea life. The reef is fragile and there is already enough damage from clumsy fins, increased ocean acidity due to global warming, pollution, overfishing... Take only photos or trash, leave only bubbles and kill only time.



Photography: Keefer Charneau
Written by: Keefer Charneau


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